Not all of our cases involve serious felonies. Sometimes it's just misdemeanors. But to our young clients with no priors, even a misdemeanor conviction can change the course of their life. Loss of employment and careers, loss of financial aid for college, denial of admission to college, loss of driving privileges, and other consequences. One such client was a person on a college campus who was accused of battery when he inappropriately hugged a woman and touched her feet. Battery doesn't require you hit someone. It only requires unauthorized touching. As a result, our client was facing all the serious consequences identified above. After reviewing the police report and talking to our client, we discovered it was a misunderstanding. Thereafter, we got on the phone and argued to the prosecutor criminal charges were in error, and that our client didn't deserve the potential punishment and consequences they were facing. The prosecutor agreed and dropped the case before formal criminal charges were filed! Our client is also eligible to have their arrest record expunged.